GPLcontemporary, Sonnenfelsgasse 6, Vienna 1010, May 25 to June 06, 2014
The single show spread over all three floors of the gallery. The installation high level basement in collaboration with guests Christian Stock,
Christoph Freidhöfer/Paul Gründorfer and Natalie Deewan took place down on the 2nd floor. On the first floor Endlicher presented new text paintings
and the new video LEIBHAFTIG PLURIFAKT. On the street level different kinds of metal dramas were featured.
Christoph Urwalek, artist and former Univ. Prof., Academy of fine Arts, Vienna gave a brillant review of the works and the ideas behind Endlicher's art.
God3 Alfabet7 and3 his3 servant7 Endlicher9 = 32
The all-embracing, infinite God Allah Faber, in short God Alfabet, speaks to us, the inert mass, in images/words/riddles and wills upon us his letters formally and literally:
book by book, stick by stick we are wandering around, meandering and struggling along through waste lands, infinite litanies accompanying us on a part
of the way. How? What? (It's the poetry, stupid!)
Stupendous poetry is not only brought into the world but is also nailed to the white wall and transferred into colour.” And the Word was made the colour of flesh
and was enthroned above us.” This is the way in which concepts are conceived and immediately hung up, from the cradle on the nail, from life to the wall.
Natalie Deewan